The Lukenie River is a river in the central Congo basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
River barges from Kinshasa journey up the Congo, Kwah (Kasai), and Fimi Rivers to the Lukenie as far as the landing at Kole, a journey of 6 to 12 weeks. This is not done during the low water season (June-August), however, for fear of stranding for long periods. The Lukenie is not navigable by barges above Kole.
During the early Belgian colonial era, the river was sometimes used to transport rubber from posts such as Kole and Lodja down to Lake Leopold II. However, most supplies were brought overland from Bene Dibele, to the south on the right bank of the Sankuru River just below the point where it is joined by the Lubefu River, a more reliable route.[1]